Friday, February 26, 2010

Nancy, A Team Member We Can Always Count On

With the Vancouver Winter Olympics in full force, we are once again reminded that to be successful in either an individual or team sport you must have a great supporting cast. When it comes to the Levy Dental Group, we wanted to highlight one of our team members who we can always count on, Nancy Hamilton, one of our clinical assistants.

Nancy has been with Levy Dental Group for 30 years. She has recently accepted a new role as Dr. John's right hand woman, making sure that the office runs smoothly. She is a great support to our entire team. Nancy is a dedicated employee and she always puts the needs of the office first. She remembers all of our patients and treats them as her personal friends, taking a vested interest in their dental care. We are grateful to have Nancy as part of our team for she is truly a shining star.

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