Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A New Study Suggests New Links Between Oral Health and Heart-Related Problems

Here at Levy Dental Group, we are always encouraging our patients to maintain a high standard of oral health, especially with the past studies linking oral health with heart health. A new study, published in April, reveals that for people who have already experienced a heart attack, the likelihood of additional heart-related problems is increased with the presence of periodontal disease. Check out the article below, we hope you find it useful!

After Heart Attack, Periodontal Problems Risky
April 20, 2010

By Nancy Volkers
InteliHealth News Service

INTELIHEALTH - Periodontal disease may increase the risk of heart-related problems in people who already have had a heart attack.

Researchers from the State University of New York, Buffalo, did the study. It included nearly 900 people. All had survived a heart attack. They were followed for seven years. During that time, 154 of them had another heart-related problem. The problems included another heart attack, a stroke, angina or heart failure. Some people died.

The researchers compared nonsmokers with and without periodontal disease. They found differences between women and men with periodontal disease. Women were more likely than men to have a second heart-related problem. Overall, men and women with periodontal disease were 43% more likely to have new heart-related problems than people without the disease.

This group of researchers has done similar studies. In 2007, they looked to see if periodontal disease was linked with heart attack. They studied 574 people who had survived a heart attack. They compared them with 887 people who had not had a heart attack. Nonsmokers with periodontal disease had a 40% higher risk of heart attack. Smokers had a 50% higher risk.

Studies also have linked periodontal disease with risks for artery disease, heart disease and stroke.

The new study appears in the April issue of the Journal of Periodontology.

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