Friday, February 11, 2011

Win a WaterPik from Levy Dental

Between now and April 1, 2011 "like" our post on Facebook, or submit your name in the office to be entered into our drawing for a free WaterPik. Give our New Haven, CT dental office if you have any questions!


  1. I found useful information from your Blog. If you find yourself trying natural tonsil stone treatments you need to take into account good oral hygiene. In the event you really want to eliminate tonsil stones manually, you must concentrate on cleanliness. You will need to clear your teeth and tongue regularly.

  2. Nice Blog. The problem of tonsil stones reoccurs even after even after repeated removing of tonsil stones or extended treatment surgical elimination of the tonsils ought to be carefully thought-about before going ahead.

  3. Really, its a wonderful product. Tonsils alternate from being moderately smooth, with small crevices, to very abrasive with deep crevices. When your tonsils swell up on a regular basis, as they are with chronic tonsillitis, the entrances to these crypts or crevices could grow to be much wider, as well as the crypts becoming deeper.

    tonsil stones

  4. I appreciate you for posting such a great Blog. The tonsil stones appear as a white spot at the back of your throat. In the initial stages it does not cause any pain, but later on it starts paining severely.So they should be remove as soon as you can.
